No longer in production, but still vital; the Sk Series is a top choice for any musician. Often imitated, but never surpassed.
The Hammond Sk-1 is the instrument keyboard players have dreamed about, and its wild success proves dreams come true. It’s the one keyboard having the range and quality to play every gig imaginable without compromise, without useless sounds and features, but WITH all the necessary sounds and features a serious artist needs and desires. Adding Hi-definition Essential Keyboard voices to the majestic (and original) Drawbar Organ provides a palette for every genre, establishing a solid foundation for any keyboard rig. The dream becomes real when you realize the Sk1 weighs 15 pounds, and is small enough to fit any stage. It’s comfortable to play even with NO stage. The heavy labor once faced moving multiple heavy keyboards at the end of a hot set (or three) is now a forgotten memory. You’ve always wished you could hit the road with that B-3 and Leslie you have in your home, but practicality has said “no”. The Sk1 allows you to sing “YES”, with the ability to voice your Sk1 to match your beloved console tonewheel-for-tonewheel…
The 61-note keyboard became the de facto standard for electric keyboards through its use on the first widely available electric keyboard instrument, the HAMMOND ORGAN, but demands on today’s players require a greater scope. A keyboardist today may jump from B-3 to Electric Piano to Clav in the same song, and if based in the Piano tradition, may find a 61 note keyboard limiting. The Sk1-73’s 73 note Fatar keyboard provides the proper “breathing room” for a modern keyboardist, while retaining the superior feel, light weight and small footprint of the 61-note model. It is also the perfect ax for singer-songwriters and accompanists of all genres, due to its ability in shifting the keyboard response automatically between piano and organ-type “feels”.
We knew the Sk was going to bring new members to the Hammond Family, but were stunned at how many Pianists have embraced the Sk1-88. As in all Hammonds, response and feel play a large role in the Sk1-88’s success. The Sk1-88’s semi-weighted action and variable touch allows Pianists to feel right at home. When the Drawbars come into play, the keyboard’s unique shape and reponse translate the Hammond vibe perfectly and accurately. Splitting the big Keyboard gives you two 44-note Keyboards side by side, which effectively transforms the Sk1-88 into a double manual Organ, if you desire, or a wider berth for manual Bass. Great for MIDI control as well.
The Sk-2 and Skx Stage Keyboards – the smallest, lightest, full-featured dual-manual instruments in the company’s history. Evolving from the highly successful line of Sk series Stage Keyboards, the Sk-2 and Skx embraced design recommendations from Professionals and Hobbyists alike. The results are comprehensive instruments combining an authentic Hammond Organ featuring 3 sets of Harmonic Drawbars™, Vibrato-Chorus, Touch-Response Percussion™, and digital Leslie™; with a complete array of the most desired Keyboard Voices, such as Grand Pianos, Electric Pianos, Clavs, Orchestral and Percussive voices, and more. These may be combined with the Tonewheel voices, or with each other, in the Extravoice divisions. The Organ division is further equipped with 32 ranks of Hi-Def Classical Pipe Organ voices, and accurate models of the two most popular combo organs of the Sixties, which may be registered and played exactly as the originals.